Course Category: Seminars
Healing of America Seminar 4
In Seminars 2-3, you learned that out of more than 250 provisions in the Constitution, approximately 85% are still fully intact and practiced according to the original intent of the Founders. This means that today’s greatest problems are the result of a small number of changes that have had disastrous effects. With the essential understanding […]
Healing of America Seminar 3
It is impossible to solve problems that we don’t understand. In the same manner, Americans will never be able to heal this nation without knowing what is causing it to be sick in the first place. The third Seminar is entitled the “Attacks on the Charter of Freedom.” While avoiding the tendency to focus on […]
Healing of America Seminar 2
Nobody seems to talk much anymore about the Constitution as the measuring stick for proposed legislation. When they do mention the Constitution, do you find yourself wishing you knew more about that inspired document? Don’t fall for those giving mere lip service to the Constitution. Join with us as we discover the freedom formula embedded […]
Healing of America Seminar 1
America has a great need for several political, social, and economic miracles. Our research has convinced us that throughout world history, God has intervened in very direct and dramatic ways on behalf of nations that have sought to preserve the cause of liberty. We are confident that as we strive to do what is right […]
Seminar 1 — Columbus Center
God’s Hand in the Building of America
Seminar 2 — Columbus Center
The Founders’ Charter of Freedom
Seminar 3 — Columbus Center
The Unhinging of America: Attacks on the Charter of Freedom