by Deseret News | Jul. 09, 2014 SALT LAKE CITY — Utah is going straight to the nation’s highest court to challenge a federal appeals court’s finding that gay couples have a constitutional right to marry, the state attorney general’s office announced Wednesday. The state opted to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court […]
Topic Tag: LDS Living
World and Church History Connections You Didn’t Learn in School
by Jannalee Rosner | Nov. 22, 2014 History classes for most of us were all about world events or the history of the country we lived in while church history was only learned, well, in church. But we never really put them together. When you place these two timelines side by side, you may be […]
Church Responds to Supreme Court Announcement on Same-sex Marriage
by Newsroom | Oct. 06, 2014 The succession of federal court decisions in recent months, culminating in today’s announcement by the Supreme Court, will have no effect on the doctrinal position or practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is that only marriage between a man and a woman is acceptable […]
Church Leaders Call for Protection of LGBT & Religious Rights
by LDS Living | Jan. 27, 2015 This morning, the Mormon Newsroom announced a special news conference to be held on Temple Square. The topic they revealed as “Religious Intolerance and Discrimination.” Speakers at the conference included Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Sister Neill F. Marriott, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Each […]
Church’s Religious Tolerance Statement Is Basis for New Utah Bill
by LDS Living | Jan. 27, 2015 This morning, the Mormon Newsroom announced a special news conference to be held on Temple Square. The topic they revealed as “Religious Intolerance and Discrimination.” Speakers at the conference included Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Sister Neill F. Marriott, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Each […]
5 Surprising Things Lincoln & Joseph Smith Have in Common
by Jenny Spencer | Feb. 14, 2015 There are more similarities than you’d think between Abraham Lincoln and the Prophet Joseph. We stumbled upon these gems in Tim Ballard’s book The Lincoln Hypothesis. Here are five of our favorites: 1. Both prophesied the destruction of America if certain things didn’t change. In the years of […]
Church Explains Involvement in Prop 8 + Current LGBT Stance
by Newsroom | Mar. 12, 2015 Why is religious freedom such an important issue right now? Religion in the United States has historically enjoyed constitutional protections. However, the past few years have seen many examples of those religious freedoms being overturned. Some of these changes – but not all – result from efforts by LGBT […]
Church Asks US Supreme Court to Rule Against Same-Sex Marriage
In a “friend of the court” brief, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined a number of other religions to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to rule against same-sex marriage becoming legal nationwide. The LDS Church filed an amicus brief alongside faiths such as the Southern Baptist Convention, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the […]
Archbishop to United Nations Speaks on Similarities to Mormonism
by The Daily Herald | Apr. 14, 2015 [Archbishop Bernardito] Auza spoke of the various persecutions both Catholics and Latter-day Saints have experienced throughout history and even noted that had there been no persecution of the saints he could be speaking from Palmyra, New York; or Kirtland, Ohio; or Far West, Missouri; or Nauvoo, Illinois. […]
President Monson receives special recognition for his service
by LDS Church News | Sep. 16, 2012 With a smart salute befitting the navy veteran that he is, President Thomas S. Monson received a special recognition from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge at the outset of a Friday evening Constitution Day Concert presented by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. […]