Overstock executive launches campaign to amend Utah Constitution over religious liberty

by Deseret News | Aug. 10, 2013 A Utah businessman has launched a national campaign to amend state constitutions to shield religious institutions from performing same-sex marriages. Jonathan Johnson, executive vice chairman of the online retailer Overstock.com, wants to start the movement by amending Utah’s Constitution, which already prohibits same-sex marriage. But Johnson said recent […]

President of the Seventy Opens Facebook Dialogue on Gay Rights, Gets Moving Responses

by Danielle Beckstrom | Sep. 18, 2015 MR says: For the first time, a General Authority asked students to send their questions, concerns, and experiences regarding difficult issues like gay rights to his personal Facebook page. The response was overwhelming! In a BYU devotional on religious freedom and fairness for all held on Tuesday, September […]

Washington Group Calls for U of U Football Coaches to Stop Teaching Religion Classes + Coaches Responses

by Deseret News | Oct. 21, 2015 A Washington, D.C.-based organization has asked the University of Utah to stop the school’s football coaches from teaching an optional LDS religion class for players. Americans United for the Separation of Church and State sent a letter to University of Utah President David W. Pershing dated Oct. 19 […]