by Deseret News | Dec. 03, 2012 America is famously religious, but also famously illiterate of religion. Only about half of Americans know, for example, that the Quran is the holy book of Islam or that the Dalai Lama is Buddhist. So why is Modesto School District the only one in the nation requiring students […]
Topic Tag: LDS Living
Mormon Woman Helps Influence Libya’s Future
by Kelsey Berteaux | Jul. 02, 2013 Inspired as a teenager by her mother, a state citizen lobbyist, Toler has always been passionate about U.S. constitutional law. She explains, “I grew up during a time when the Berlin wall had fallen and countries in Eastern Europe were rewriting their constitutions. That seemed to me to […]
Glenn Beck defends gay marriage
by Business Insider | Dec. 11, 2012 Conservative firebrand Glenn Beck has joined a growing chorus of Republican commentators in defending gay marriage, laying out a strong case for ending government opposition to letting same-sex couples wed. “Let me take the pro-gay marriage people and the religious people — I believe that there is a […]
Overstock executive launches campaign to amend Utah Constitution over religious liberty
by Deseret News | Aug. 10, 2013 A Utah businessman has launched a national campaign to amend state constitutions to shield religious institutions from performing same-sex marriages. Jonathan Johnson, executive vice chairman of the online retailer, wants to start the movement by amending Utah’s Constitution, which already prohibits same-sex marriage. But Johnson said recent […]
Anti-Mormon history in politics
by The Blue Review | Aug. 19, 2013 Although Idaho is currently a Republican stronghold, it was not always that way. The Democratic Party had a strong presence in the original Idaho territory. This was in part due to the small but significant Mormon minority in the state voting in bloc for the party (yes, […]
Church Responds After Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Gay Marriage
by LDS Living | Jun. 26, 2015 In a 5-4 decision that was publicized Friday morning, the Supreme Court of the United States of America made its decision in favor of same-sex marriage. This ruling will effectively make same-sex marriage legal throughout the country. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, which used the 14th […]
New Church Article Explains the Need for Partnership Between Religion & Government
by | Jul. 01, 2015 Religion and government are like a couple who sometimes have a hard time living together but who find they simply cannot live apart. Religion and government both need their independence in order to flourish, but history has shown that a complete divorce is healthy for neither. They travel different […]
How a Sudden Fog Literally Saved America
by Jeff Hampton | Jul. 04, 2015 Since the early days of the Church, Latter-day Saints have celebrated America for its divinely inspired and Constitutionally protected right to religious freedom. The Church was founded and is headquartered in the United States, so this freedom was and remains instrumental in the creation, organization, and continuation of […]
President of the Seventy Opens Facebook Dialogue on Gay Rights, Gets Moving Responses
by Danielle Beckstrom | Sep. 18, 2015 MR says: For the first time, a General Authority asked students to send their questions, concerns, and experiences regarding difficult issues like gay rights to his personal Facebook page. The response was overwhelming! In a BYU devotional on religious freedom and fairness for all held on Tuesday, September […]
Washington Group Calls for U of U Football Coaches to Stop Teaching Religion Classes + Coaches Responses
by Deseret News | Oct. 21, 2015 A Washington, D.C.-based organization has asked the University of Utah to stop the school’s football coaches from teaching an optional LDS religion class for players. Americans United for the Separation of Church and State sent a letter to University of Utah President David W. Pershing dated Oct. 19 […]